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Letter from the Editors


The Editorial Team

Dear Reader,

Heading into Christmas, the EPOCH Team has been hard-at-work packing the Issue 10 stocking with plenty of wonderful articles. Issue 09, which was released back in September, was our biggest release by readership to date, smashing past Issue 08’s already impressive numbers. With each quarterly release, EPOCH is gaining momentum. We would like to take a moment to thank all of our contributors, past and present, for their fantastic articles. Their work is getting the attention it deserves.

This release is themed around identity. We kept what that meant purposefully vague so as to widen our net and diversify our histories. The results of our call for articles did not disappoint. The EPOCH online submission form was flooded with excellent submissions from across the globe and on a broad range of topics. In fact, Issue 10 was our most submitted to release…EVER! Our editors are more convinced than ever that the global ECR/PG community is full to the brim with intellectual talent.

Take a seat next to Emilia Castelao as she explores soft power diplomacy and chess during the Cold War or join Stefan Aguirre Quiroga at court to learn about prominent Africans in 19th century Sweden. Perhaps you could leap across the Atlantic with Mary Newman to discover histories of Afro-Chileans or dive into the Alexandria Crusade with Antonis Leontiou. Issue 10 certainly promises to be an early Christmas present!

We continue to work to broaden both our readership and our authorship, as evidenced by Issue 10’s globally diverse contributor pool. Keep an eye on our socials for updates on the magazine, our latest calls for articles, and author highlights!


The Editorial Team

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